Saturday, August 21, 2010

'Awesomer' Is Now A Word

Life isn't always what it's cracked up to be. However cliche that might sound, maybe there is a reason that cliches become cliches. It isn't unusual for life to underwhelm you. But what is unusual is for you to not be underwhelmed by it.

While my mind set could be a lot more positive, I'm trying to be the 'glass-is-half-full' person and thank myself and my mentors for not being down in the dumps. Because life is as simple as you want it to be. Simple things make me sad, they make me happy, they make me want to poke you in the eye with a spoon; but I can generally put my finger on what that thing is.

No, I'm not permanently happy or positive. I'm not awesomer [I'm claiming poetic license here] than the rest of the world. All I'm saying is that when you're at a low point, when you feel like you can't go any lower than where you are, always remember that you can. That's what keeps me going, the ability to know that just a little more juice can give me and extra mile, that extra mile can give me the determination to run another mile, and that mile, in turn will help me believe in myself. It's like a video game in which you're down to your last life and you're about to give up, but you keep going because you know you'll get a power up or an extra life somewhere. Your score might not be that great at the end but you'll play again. As long as you play again, you're alright.

When it comes to personal relationships, my first instinct is to trust people. I guess that's part of my inexplicable need to want to see everyone as good. But it also leads me into sticky situations. These sticky situations are when I feel like running away to some beach in the middle of nowhere and drink orange juice all day. I love orange juice. But somehow, I can't escape them. Difficult decisions need to be made, and somehow I can't always see the good in people. When i gets to a point where I think of somebody and all I can remember is the bad, I know that neither that person or I are going each other any good. The situations get stickier when it's a one way street but I don't want to talk about all those permutations and combinations.

I guess what I'm saying is... a lot of brain gas. And of course, stay awesome.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

I Made Today

I'm a student. I'm a maniac. I love you. I love me. I love the roadside dog. I love popsicles that change the colour of my tongue. But most of all, I love my mind. You know why?
Because my mind is my link to the universe. I made today, with my mind. Just like I made yesterday, just like I will make tomorrow, and just like you make every day of your life.

What is this hogwash, you ask.

It's simple.

What you believe to be true, happens.

It took me a long time to believe but it started about 4 or 5 years ago when I met this interestingly handsome Buddhist monk who told me that I need to program the universe to go my way by believing my wishes to be true. I thought it silly at first but I tried it anyway, and I promise that my trying it had nothing to do with him being handsome. [before you judge me let me just add that he gave up monk-dom shortly after]. Getting back to the point, I attempted to visualise my exam results being in the 90s. I attempted to visualise that I was in one of the top universities. But there's a big difference between attempting and believing.

Before you begin to think that I'm too complicated, let me walk you through a step by step process of how I did it. I'll even back it up with an illustration, I promise.
Here we go:

  1. The first step is to believe in your capability to believe. Believe that you can do it with all your heart. Convince your heart, it doesn't see reason, you'll soon realise.
  2. The second step is to convince yourself. If anybody thinks you're wrong, don't let it phase you. Convince yourself that what you believe is true. Please don't get cocky at this point. It's like this: If a friend of yours thinks that there is no way that a particular result is possible, don't contest them. Just tell them that you'll see when the time comes. Retain your belief. And don't say "I told you so".
  3. Thirdly, erase all doubt. This is the part which could be easier to overcome. Skepticism and Practicalism are difficult to overcome. But that's how you transition from Positivism to Positivity. Don't doubt yourself. Don't doubt your ability. Don't doubt your outcome. When things go your way, you'll love your wonderful link with the universe.
  4. Finally, don't be overwhelmed. When you finally will your result into being, thank yourself, thank the universe and let it go. Nothing more, nothing less.
Now kids, the theory lesson is over, time for some practicals. Here is the real life instance I promised.

I recently went for a competition with 2 other teammates. I must mention here that they could have been a lot more positive. Their attitude towards the results left a lot to be desired. They didn't believe me when I said we would be in the quarter finals. They laughed at me when I said that we need to prepare for both the quarter and semi finals the next day because they were on the same day. I convinced myself that we had both the rounds the next day. I prepared myself for both the rounds. I worked in such a manner that I could complete 2 rounds in one day. I contemplated my food, my bathroom break, and all the nittygritties according to what I believed. And when it came true, I was ready. I can't say the same of my teammate but at least she now believes that we can will things into being. That is my triumph.

The trick is to believe that you already know the result, and condition yourself to work according to that result.

The disclaimer to that very trick, is to not get over-confident.

Much Love.